Featured Products
Colored Cotton Rags
(15 items)
White Cotton Rags
(18 items)
Disposable Paper Wipers
(7 items)
Cleaning Rags
(21 items)
From wiping grease to preparing paint, we’ll help you
find the specific durable, absorbent rags you need to improve
your company’s processes and increase savings.
Improve food safety, hygiene and efficiency with strong,
durable towels and wipers designed to meet the specific needs
and high standards of your food service business.
Increase efficiency and save money with a large
selection of towels and rags suited for even the
toughest cleaning jobs.
Whether you run a gym, athletic facility, or health center,
you’ll find the durable towels you want in the sizes, colors,
and thicknesses you need at All Rags.
All Rags offers a large selection of wiping cloths for any job – at work or at home. We stock colored & white knit, fleece, terry cloth, disposable paper, and microfiber rags just to name a few. Any quantity – from bulk to single boxes – we can meet & exceed your needs from one of our ten warehouses nationwide.
(15 items)
(18 items)
(7 items)
(21 items)
Our products are 100% recycled, keeping over twelve million pounds of textiles out of our landfills each year.
All Rags
68 Anderson Road
Walterboro, SC 29488
Toll Free: 1.888.335.6439
Customer Service
We want you to be 100% satisfied with our service and products. If, for some reason, you’re not satisfied, please let us know. We guarantee we will strive to do whatever we can to satisfy you.
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